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Stop and do the Dishes

May 7, 2011

©Silva Erglis 2011

Wow. This is one wild, crazy, hectic ride I am on. I’ve got a to do list a mile long and no idea where to start.

Sound familiar?

I think we’ve all been in this place at some point in our lives and in my experience it feels like I hit rock bottom on the creativity, motivation and confidence scales right when I need them most. The only way I can get a calm and clear head is to stop and do something practical and guarantees me a decent amount of time standing in one spot. What could this be?

Well, it’s dishes. I like to stop and do the dishes when I’m feeling out of control. There is something about cleaning that gives me the gratification of putting my little corner of the world to rights. The guaranteed satisfaction of knowing I crossed one little thing off my list of doom & gloom things to do gives me that little boost of confidence to tackle the bigger things in life.

So, next time you’re find yourself pacing from room to room, mind racing, not knowing where to begin, concerning your roommate or whomever you live with, stop at the kitchen sink and start washing. Resist the urge to go and do things the second they come into your mind and keep scrubbing. You will sort things out as they come but for now just wash.

One Comment leave one →
  1. Kate Seymour permalink
    May 7, 2011 3:18 pm

    I am doing the dishes right now…

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